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日期:2024-09-07 08:42

Theoretical Basis for Advanced Nursing Practice Roles (Online)



This course provides an opportunity for the student to examine nursing theories and select theories in the social sciences and philosophies in nursing science and the role they have in the support of advanced nursing practice. Multiple ways of knowing and interprofessional knowledge is explored. The student will analyze the impact of advances in nursing theory and nursing science on healthcare, technology and patient outcomes which will support decision making in the delivery of patient centered care.

(This is a 7-week course. In addition to the three hours of online classroom activities, students should expect to spend at least 6 hours of homework preparation for weekly in course discussions, peer interaction, blogs, and review of weekly narrated, reading, paper & PowerPoints. Each discussion positing and/or blog update is equivalent to ½ hour of classroom activity according to Carnegie unit calculations)

PROGRAM OUTCOMES: Master of science in Nursing  

1.Integrate advanced theoretical, research-based, scientific, and clinical knowledge into clinical practice to provide nursing care to diverse clients. (ME: I)

2.Practice independently and collaboratively with an interprofessional team while delivering direct and indirect care services in various types of health care systems. (ME: II, VII, IX, X)

3.Use research findings from nursing and other disciplines as a basis for clinical decision-making to improve practice and to formulate health policy. (ME IV, VI)

4.Use ethical decision-making to promote the well-being of individuals, families, health care professionals in local, national, and international communities. (ME: VI)

5.Utilize evidence-based practice recommendations and professional standards of care to promote wellness, prevent disease and improve the health status of individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations. (ME: IV, VIII)

6.Demonstrate communication skills, including health information management to enhance the quality of care provided at individual and aggregate levels. (ME: V)

7.Demonstrate safe, effective assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation skills in caring for individuals and groups while working in interprofessional collaborative relationships.  (ME: III, IV, VII, IX)

8.Provide culturally competent care to all persons regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, culture, health care beliefs, and religion. (ME: VII, VIII)

9.Function as a leader and change agent in nursing and in health care delivery systems particularly to insure quality care for vulnerable and underserved populations. (ME: VII, VIII)

10. Demonstrate responsibility and accountability for ongoing professional development (ME: IX)


1. Discuss the evolving role of advanced nursing practice. (PO: 1, 2, 5, 7)

2. Describe how ways of knowing influence nursing knowledge. (PO: 1, 6-8)

3. Describe selected nursing and related theories. (PO: 1, 7-8)

4. Describe how the application of theory is used to guide evidence-based practice which supports decision making related to quality improvement and patient safety. (PO: 1, 2, 5, 7-8)

5. Analyze selected nursing and related theories and their impact on advances in science, technology and advance nursing practice roles.  (PO: 1, 5, 6-8)

6. Examine how interprofessional theories can serve as a foundation for selected nursing theories. (PO: 1-8)


· Group Discussion on-line

· Blog/Journals Reflection

· Lectures and presentations

· Collaborative learning

· Project

· Self-directed learning

· Teacher-learning

· Multimedia







CO: 1-6

Blog Entry


CO: 1-6

PowerPoint Presentation



Theory Application & Analysis Paper







McEwen, M., & Wills, E. M. (2019). Theoretical basis for nursing. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 5th edition ISBN-13: 978-1496351203 ISBN-10: 9781496351203







Introduction to course


Philosophy, Science & Nursing


Ways of Knowing


Discussion questions.

After completing the ethics self-assessment answer the following questions.


1- Discuss perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes felt when you learned that you needed to take a course on “nursing theory”.

2- Find studies that presents middle range or practice theories in the nursing literature. Identify if these theories are descriptive, explanatory, predictive prescriptive in nature. 

Chapters 1-2


Discussion Board


Introductions (If you are comfortable, please upload a video of your introduction. You may also type a response.)

Due 9/10/24





Theory development, analysis and evaluation

Grand and Middle Range Theories

Types of Concepts

Concept Development & Analysis

Comparison of Models


Discussion questions.

1. Obtain the original works of two of the nursing scholar’s theory for analysis and evaluation of strategies used. Compare strategies used for evaluations.

2. Search the literature for examples of published accounts of nursing theory evaluations or theory analysis. Share your findings with your peers.

3. Consider a phenomenon you have observed in your practice that might be appropriate for further development. Discuss the phenomenon with your peers and try to name it and determine how you might develop it further.


Blog Entry #1 – due 9/17

1. Many nurses initially struggle with recognizing the need to study how “theory” can be important in their practice. Discuss perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes felt when you learned you were to take a course on “nursing theory.” How have your thoughts changed? Why?

Chapters 3-5


Discussion Board


Blog Entry #1 due9/17



Shared Theories

Leadership Theories


Discussion questions.

1. Analyze the leadership style. of your current supervisor. Does the supervisor’s leadership behavior. vary from situation to situation? Would the supervisor be classified as a transformational, transactional, authentic, charismatic, servant, or other leader? Why?

2. Consider a complex health problem or issue routinely encountered in your practice. Apply social-ecological perspective to consider how to better address the problem or issue from a more holistic perspective.

3. Select a theory from the behavioral, biomedical, or social sciences and reflect upon how it could be applied in nursing practice.

Chapters 13-17


Discussion Board

Due 9/24




Application of Theory in Nursing Practice & Research

Discussion questions.

1. Locate a research article from a recent journal that purports to utilize a theory. Explain how the theory guides the study.

2. Chose a nursing theory to best explain a phenomenon that you have observed in practice. Why does it apply?


Blog Entry

1. Is there a particular leadership theory that resonates within your worldview and nursing paradigm? Explain your point of view and give an example of how this has evolved.

Chapters 19-20


Discussion Board-10/8

Blog Entry# 2

Due 10/8




Learning Theory

Application of Theory in Nursing Administration, Management & Education


Discussion questions.

1. Choose a learning style. to explain. How could you present learning materials to a patient with that learning style?

2. What are the roles of advanced practice nurses in Quality Improvement?

3. Consider the course you are taking. How can the presentation of material be modified to increase peer interaction? Explain rationale.

Chapter 18, 21-22


Discussion Board - due




Evidence Based Practice (EBP) and Nursing Theories



1. Compare and contrast two EBP models and share which would work most likely in your agency or clinical practice. Explain why one model would work better than the other based on your organizational culture.

2. Prepare a proposal for practice change in your agency or organization using one of the models in Chapter 12. Use as many steps of the model as possible and project the outcomes for the remaining steps.

Chapter 12


Discussion Due 10/22



 Last Blog Entry#3

Reflect upon what you have learned in this course. How have your perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes changed?


PowerPoint Presentation Due 10/29

Final Paper Due 10/29

Blog Entry Course Reflection 10/29



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